Congratulations to  David and Jamie Boreanaz

David is Most known for his TV shows such as Angel, Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Bones and United states navy seal

former professional football player, an offensive guard for the Atlanta Falcons and Detroit Lions of the National Football League (NFL) from 1985 to 1993. He played college football at the University of Pittsburgh.

NBA star and Slam Dunk contest winner.

 He played college basketball for the Duke University Blue Devils and professionally for the Chicago Bulls in the NBA

Musician and son of bob marley

Gerald Green

 played 22 seasons in Major League Baseball  with the Pittsburgh Pirates and San Francisco Giants. Bonds is considered to be one of the greatest baseball players of all time

​Lindsey Hunter

 He is currently the Chairman of the Boardand Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Legendary Pictures. His firm has produced and/or financed several major motion pictures, including the The Dark Knight Trilogy, The Hangover and its sequels, 300, Man of Steel and others

Movie and t.v star

Thomas Tull

Damon Wayans

Teemu selanne

​Movie star

selected by the New Jersey Nets with the eighth pick in the 1996 NBA Draft and played 10 years in the NBA

NFL Running back and the all-time leading rusher for the Eagles

​7 time nba all star

Carlos Boozer

 last played for the Los Angeles Lakers NBA. As a member of Team USA, Boozer won an Olympic bronze medal at the 2004 Summer Olympics and an Olympic gold medal at the 2008 Summer Olympics. The two-time NBA All-Star has also played for the Cleveland Cavaliers, Utah Jazz and Chicago Bulls.

Lesean mccoy

Congratulations To hassan Smith senior advisor to John legend

Stephen Marley

Bill Fralic

Barry Bonds

Jay Williams

Mekhi phifer

Kerry Kittles

​Von Ruelmann Celebrity Clients

Joe Johnson

2x NBA champion

 "The Finnish Flash" (born July 3, 1970), is a Finnish retired professional ice hockey winger. He began his professional career in 1989–90 with Jokerit of the SM-liiga and played 21 seasons in the National Hockey League (NHL) for the Winnipeg Jets, Anaheim Ducks, San Jose Sharks and Colorado Avalanche. Selänne is the highest scoring Finn in NHL history, and one of the highest overall; he retired in 2014 11th all-time with 684 goals and 15th with 1,457 points. He holds numerous team scoring records for both the Winnipeg/Arizona franchise and the Anaheim Ducks. His jersey number 8 was retired by the Ducks in 2015. In 2017 Selänne was named one of the '100 Greatest NHL Players' in history.[2] On June 26, 2017, Selänne was elected to the Hockey Hall of Fame